
Would you like a more personalised hypnotherapy recording, designed with your particular triggers and behaviours in mind, without the need for a face to face chat?

A Tailored recording is just that. You provide the answers to a few simple questions. I’ll create a recording for you. You can listen wherever and whenever you want, as often as you want.

At the moment these recordings will only be based around concerns with Anxiety, Insomnia or Isolation.

Please get in touch if you’d like to see a different type and we can discuss. I’d love to hear from you.

Would you like a more personalised hypnotherapy recording, designed with your particular triggers and behaviours in mind, without the need for a face to face chat?

A Tailored recording is just that. You provide the answers to a few simple questions. I’ll create a recording for you. You can listen wherever and whenever you want, as often as you want.

At the moment these recordings will only be based around concerns with Anxiety, Insomnia or Isolation.

Please get in touch if you’d like to see a different type and we can discuss. I’d love to hear from you.

How do Tailored recordings work?

Once you have chosen the ‘type’ of tailored recording you want (choose from Anxiety, Isolation or Insomnia) I’ll send you an email with a set of simple questions.

I’ll get you to tell me, in your own words, how you are feeling just now, what concerns you have and to answer some specific questions about your current situation.

I will then create a tailored recording for you, based on your answers.  I aim to do this within 1 week.

For now, I’m focusing on anxiety, isolation/loneliness and insomnia, but please feel free to contact me if you want something else covered and we can discuss.

You can download your tailored recording to your phone or laptop and listen to it as often as you can. I’d recommend at least daily for 3-4 weeks.

Any personal data you provide will be treated in the strictest of confidence, and will not be shared with anyone else.

These tailored voice recordings will use a combination of CBT, hypnotherapy and visualisations as well as music to aid relaxation.

To find out more about hypnotherapy and how it can help, the National Council for Hypnotherapy website has a good selection of articles and FAQs.

Anxiety (Tailored to you)

Anxiety is something we all experience from time to time, and, in the current climate, a lot of us are feeling more anxious than ever. These worries can affect your mood, sleep, appetite and ability to concentrate.

The symptoms of anxiety can be helped with breathing and relaxation techniques, and by replacing distressing, negative thoughts with positive, peaceful ones.

And simply, that is what this recording is designed to do.

I’d recommend you listen to the recording daily for 3–4 weeks as a minimum. Listen when you won’t be disturbed. Last thing at night, in bed, is perfect.

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have been added to your bag!

Isolation (Tailored to you)


Isolation and loneliness impacts us all. Just now we are struggling with the reduced human contact and the loss of freedom which is so important to our health, happiness and general wellbeing.

This ‘tailored’ recording is designed to ease your feelings of isolation, help with perspective, promote positive thoughts and set your intentions for the future.

I’d recommend you listen to the recording daily for 3–4 weeks as a minimum. Listen when you won’t be disturbed. Last thing at night, in bed, is perfect.

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have been added to your bag!

Insomnia (Tailored to you)

Are you having trouble getting to sleep ? Or waking up in the night, and have difficulty drifting back down again?

Insomnia is often caused by us worrying – our brains struggling to switch off. It could be worries about the health of you or your family, your job/income, or just a general sense of frustration, anger or helplessness with the world we are living in.

This ‘tailored’ recording is designed to to lull your brain into a sleep state, help you feel more positive and reduce anxiety so your quality of sleep is improved.

Download to your phone and listen to it in bed at night. Listen again if you wake up during the night, or as often as you feel you need to. I’d recommend you listen to the recording at least daily for 3–4 weeks as a minimum.

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have been added to your bag!
