Habit breaking

Habits are behaviours you started at some time in your life and have continued to adopt, until you have reached the stage of doing it without even thinking about it. You have performed the habit ‘action’, or had the habit ‘reaction’, so often that it becomes almost an involuntary/unconscious response – you don’t think about it consciously before you do it, it just ‘happens’. If you consider this habit to be undesirable then you may label it a “bad habit.”

Habits usually develop as a reaction to something that happened in your life, often a stressful or pressured situation. Sometimes people ‘give up’ the habit for a while, and then, when something happens, they unconsciously start the habit again.

If you find at this stage in your life that the habit no longer serves you, you may feel it is embarrassing, affecting your confidence or self-esteem, causing you actual harm or is bad for your health. You may not feel you can control it and you may wonder how you will cope if you can’t stop or take back control.

Which habits can hypnotherapy help with?

Some examples of habits that can be treated with hypnotherapy are below. This is not an exhaustive list. Get in touch if your habit is not on the list:

Eating disorders

How can hypnotherapy help?

Hypnotherapy can help you to break your habit easily and in a relaxed way. You can look forward to feeling in control again and no longer be controlled by your habit. You will feel confident and capable and happy to face situations with complete control again.

During a therapy session, we will discuss the specifics of your habit, what triggers it and how it affects your life. Often understanding when and why it happened the very first time can be helpful. Sometimes people think that their habit is ‘silly’ and don’t understand why they are so upset by it. But being controlled by anything, particularly if you think it is something ‘silly’ can be very frustrating and embarrassing.

While you are under hypnosis I will use different suggestions and techniques to enable you to understand the habit for what it is, for you to realise deep down that it is no longer appropriate for you, or helpful to you. Then we can enable you to take control and break the habit. You may be surprised at how easy it is, and how taking back control will make you feel more confident and better about yourself.

Still have questions? Get in touch.

How can we help?

During a therapy session we will discuss the specifics of your habit, what triggers it and how it affects your life. Often understanding when and why it happened the very first time can be helpful.

During the hypnosis part of the session, I will use different suggestions and techniques to enable you to understand the habit for what it is, for you to realise deep down that it is no longer appropriate for you, or helpful to you. This can enable you to take control and break the habit.


If you  might feel you want to talk through your concerns, rather than use a recording, you can book an online 1:1 Therapy session.

Find out more about what is involved for a Therapy session on the therapy page or get in touch if you have questions. If you want to go ahead, use the Buy Now button below.

1:1 Therapy session of approximately 60-90 mins

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