What the heck is Fuzzyhead?
During the covid crisis, I found my anxiety levels went through the roof.
As a qualified hypnotherapist, I started to regularly use hypnotherapy recordings to help me get to sleep at night, when I was feeling anxious, and when counting sheep and over indulging in chocolate didn’t work!
I realised that there could be other people out there who are also struggling during this strange time we are living in.
So, I designed a set of recordings, to cater for different needs and budgets.
Each recording can be downloaded onto your phone and listened to whenever and wherever suits you.
And it’s a lot cheaper and more accessible than face to face therapy.
Find out more about how hypnotherapy works here.
I’m Barbara.

I am a qualified Hypnotherapist, with an HPD (Hypnotherapy Practitioners Diploma) from the highly respected UK Academy of Therapeutic Arts & Sciences. I’m also a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy.
I specialise in helping those who are feeling anxious and have self-confidence issues , however I also have extensive experience in many other areas including smoking cessation and phobias. Not all concerns are covered by the recordings here because some concerns are best treated with face to face therapy, which can also be booked on this site.