Struggling to sleep?

Insomnia is not being able to get off to sleep, waking up too early or waking for long periods in the night.

This may lead to you being excessively tired during the day and having reduced concentration. In addition you may become irritable, or just not function well, which may then lead to accidents or work and relationship problems or a general inability to cope. Furthermore, it could even lead to recurrent infections as inadequate sleep has been show to suppress the immune system. Often, if it occurs regularly or over a long period of time, it’s referred to as chronic insomnia.

Unsurprisingly, different people need different amounts of sleep. Although some people function well with just 3-4 hours’ sleep a night, most people need more than this and 6-8 hours per night is average.

Usually people establish a pattern that is normal for them in their early adult life. However, as you become older, it is normal to sleep less. Many people in their 70s sleep less than 6 hours per night and are quite used to this and find it is enough. What is important is that the amount of sleep that you get should be sufficient for you, and as a result you usually feel refreshed, not sleepy, during the daytime.

Worryingly, about one in three adults will have had some sort of problem with insomnia within the past 12 months. It may be brought on as a result of stress, a work or family problem, a change of routine or something as simple as a strange bed. Poor sleep in these situations usually improves in time.

But for as many as one in ten it becomes a chronic problem which significantly affects their life. Situations where it feels like there is no end in sight can have a major impact, such as a global pandemic!

Causes of insomnia

Frequently, a common trigger for sleeping difficulties is stress and worry. Often you may find it difficult to switch off your anxieties about work, home or your personal problems. Some people are particularly vulnerable because they are more likely to show a more extreme response to stress, such as people who are depressed or chronically ill. Some symptoms of depression include: a low mood, lethargy, poor concentration, tearfulness or persistent negative thoughts. Depression is very common and often treatment of depression or anxiety cures the poor sleep too.

Other common causes include working shifts, environmental noise, too much caffeine, drinking too much alcohol or the side effects of medication. Any physical illness or injury which causes pain can keep you awake or disrupt sleep. Other illnesses such as hot flushes or urinary or prostrate problems can cause night-time waking. As you would expect, insomnia is much more common in older people.

Unfortunately once a sleep problems occurs, it may then be exacerbated by your own behaviours and worries. You then get into a cycle of worrying about the effect that lack of sleep will have on you, start counting how many hours you have left before you have to get up again, clock watch and ‘try harder’ to get to sleep, which in turn makes you more anxious and makes sleep more difficult to achieve. Or you may sleep in late which can disrupt your natural rhythm, take daytime naps or use medicines or alcohol in the belief that this will help (most induce unnatural sleep patterns).


There are many things you can do to help yourself

You can try simple things like winding down before bedtime, avoiding certain foods and drinks (avoiding stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol). Also, getting more exercise during the day, having a warm milky drink before bed, and herbs such as valerian and camomile can help. Make sure your bedroom is dark and cool, then try to follow a set routine. This could involve going to sleep and getting up at the same time as well as avoiding daytime naps. Also don’t work or watch TV in your bedroom.

Sleeping tablets are not the best way to help with sleep problems because you can get addicted to them, and they often stop working if you take them regularly.

They may be prescribed by your GP for short-term use only, when the cause of insomnia has been identified as bereavement or jet lag, for example.

However, it’s usually more important to address any underlying cause of the insomnia and then attempt to restore a normal sleep pattern through changes in behaviour and lifestyle.

How can hypnotherapy help?

Each individuals sleeping patterns and experiences are different, and therapy can be tailored to the individual, however some general themes or areas that are covered in the Readymade recording and would also be covered in a 1:! session are below.

Relaxation : to help you to reduce stress and tension and get off to sleep at night, as well as helping you back to sleep if you wake up during the night.

Understanding and changing negative thought patterns which can help you to worry less.

Providing help with any underlying issues you may be having that are causing the insomnia (e.g. past regrets, self love, fear of unknown, worries about others).

Here is more information on sleep issues and how hypnotherapy can help, via the National Council for Hypnotherapy site. (opens in new window)


Still have questions? Get in touch.

How can we help?

1. The Insomnia Readymade recording can be downloaded and you could listen to it tonight. This is designed to help your brain switch off and help you fall asleep.

3. I can also create a Tailored recording for you if you have specific concerns you want addressed or want a more personalised service.

4. What if you don’t want a recording? Consider a 1:1 online hypnotherapy session (with optional personalised top up recording).


The Insomnia Readymade is designed to distract your brain and reduce your anxiety levels to enable you to fall asleep. There are suggestions in there for long term changes too.

Easy to use, listen at a time that’s good for you. (33 mins)

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Tailored recordings are designed to give you a personalised recording that is tailored to you and your situation. Loosely based on the Readymades, but I’ll ask you to provide more information to help me personalise the recording for you.

You can read more about what’s involved in the tailored section or get in touch if you have  questions.

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If you feel you want to talk through your concerns, rather than use a recording, you can book an online 1:1 Therapy session.

When you order a Tailored recording at the same time, it will be at a reduced price, to supplement your Therapy session. The Tailored recording will be created and available for download within a week of your session. Read more about tailored recordings here.

Find out more about what is involved for a Therapy session on the therapy page or get in touch if you have questions. But if you want to go ahead, use the Buy Now button below.

1:1 Therapy session of approximately 60-90 mins

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1:1 Therapy session + Tailored recording

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