FAQ: What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is simply a type of therapy using hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is a reliable and safe therapeutic technique, which is centuries old and is recognised by many branches of orthodox medicine as a valuable alternative to drugs, to relieve stress, accelerate healing, and to help combat pain.
It is particularly effective for conditions which have psychological factors. The therapist facilitates change by placing positive suggestions into your unconscious mind while you are deeply relaxed, helping you to act upon them or interpret them in a positive way to change your behaviour or thinking patterns.

FAQ: What is hypnosis?

Most people experience light levels of hypnosis every day without even realising. For example, when you are daydreaming or engrossed in a good film, book or piece of music. Have you ever been driving your car along a familiar route and, on arriving at your destination, you don’t remember how you got there? This is a good example of being in a hypnotic ‘state’. It’s perfectly natural and safe. During a hypnotherapy session the hypnotic ‘state’ is usually induced by the therapist talking. This is combined with sitting or lying comfortably, and sometimes with background music. You can even induce hypnosis yourself, and this ‘self help’ is provided via the pre-made recordings available on this site.

Hypnosis can best be described as a state of profound physical and mental relaxation, during which we become inwardly focused, aware of our immediate reality but with a comfortable sense of detachment from it: a wonderful, calm and relaxed state. You are fully awake and alert whilst in hypnosis, and NOT under any power or influence – regardless of what you may have seen on television!

Nearly all of us have experienced a trance-like state many times. Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming and not noticed things happening around you? Or you may have been driving or on a train journey and missed your stop. These trance-like states are just self hypnosis.
Hypnosis per se doesn’t actually achieve anything: it’s what happens when you are in that wonderful, relaxed state that creates the amazing results…..

FAQ: What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) shows how negative thoughts, beliefs and attitudes can impact how you feel and how you behave. CBT uses strategies to show you how to change negative patterns of thinking to improve the way you feel and improve your quality of life, by breaking problems down into manageable chunks.

FAQ: What are visualisations?

Using your imagination to visualise in your mind a scenario that you want to happen in real life. This will often involve imagining the scenario using all senses – sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, to make the visualisation stronger. In a hypnotherapy setting, it can be used to set intention, to visualise goals and help you to bring about positive change: when you can visualise the change as though you are already there, it makes obtaining that goal easier.

FAQ: How can a hypnotherapy session help me?

Hypnotherapy can help with a wide range of issues- those I have listed on my website (under the Therapy dropdown and Therapy page) are not a comprehensive list, but cover the most common ones.
If your problem isn’t listed, or you have any concerns or questions, get in touch.

FAQ: I’m nervous about my first appointment – what can I expect?

All appointments will be online for the foreseeable future. I can connect via Zoom, Microsoft teams or Skype. You’ll need to have a quiet place in your home, where you can sit or lie down without being disturbed. A laptop or a phone with a stand – which you can position so I can see your face, both during the chat and during the hypnotherapy part. You can use headphones if you prefer. We will have a chat so I can understand your concerns. You can expect to be listened to without being judged.

FAQ: What will a hypnotherapy session be like?

It’s as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Talking: It is important for me to get a good understanding of the issue you have and how it is affecting you and your day to day life. So there is an element of ‘talking therapy’ in each hypnotherapy session. It is important to be as open and honest as possible. All conversations will be kept confidential as they would be for any other type of therapy session.
  2. Relaxing: As part of a hypnotherapy session I will help you to relax, this will be made easier if you can elevate your feet (using a footstool) or if you lie down. Sitting is a comfortable chair would also work. Make sure you are warm enough- you can use a blanket if you like. I will relax you by talking to you in a slow, deliberate way and this will help to induce the hypnotic ‘state’.
  3. Suggestions: While in this relaxed state I will continue to talk to you and will give you suggestions. Sometimes you may be asked questions or to visualise scenarios to reinforce the suggestions. When you are deeply relaxed you are able to process these suggestions in a constructive way to make desired changes. I will not tell you what to do, rather I will make suggestions which enables you to interpret them in a way that is helpful to you.

If you choose to come back for more sessions, you can book them directly with me. I may ask you to perform some simple tasks in between your sessions – this will depend on the condition and the individual. There is an option to get a personalised recording, as a supplement to the therapy sessions, which I will aim to get to you within a week of your session.

FAQ: Will I lose control?

There is no loss of control while you are under hypnosis. You will be able to hear, talk and move freely should you wish to do so, and you can’t be made to do anything that you don’t want to do, or that goes against your moral or ethical code. You will be fully aware of what is being said to you. If you wanted to, you could get up and stop the session.

FAQ: What does it feel like to be hypnotised?

During hypnosis you will feel pleasantly relaxed. Some people express a feeling of ‘waiting for it to happen’. Some people find their senses to be far more alert than usual, some find they are less aware and just ‘drift’. Some people have a different experience each time. These are all normal. You will not lose consciousness, or fall into a deep sleep, and will be aware of everything that is said to you.  There is no right or wrong way to experience hypnosis. Generally speaking for most people it feels deeply relaxing.

FAQ: What if I can’t be hypnotised?

Almost anyone can enter the hypnotic state easily, with the exceptions of those who have a very low IQ or very young children. A therapist would never attempt to hypnotise those intoxicated by alcohol, drugs or those with psychiatric conditions.

FAQ: Is hypnosis safe?

Absolutely. Hypnosis is a 100% natural state, everyone has been in trance of varying degrees many times. It is not possible to become stuck in trance because you are always in control, although you may feel so comfortable that you may decide to remain in trance a little while longer. No one can stay in trance indefinitely; even if the therapist stopped talking for a while, your bodily functions would eventually make you move! The worst thing that can happen is that you may become so comfortable that you may actually fall asleep.

FAQ: How many sessions will I need?

While hypnotherapy is very effective it is not a ‘miracle cure’ – in most cases it will take more than 1 session to make lasting change, however most people will feel better, more relaxed and more in control from the first session. (Smoking cessation is the exception and usually only takes one session.) Everyone is different. It’s important to remember that for most people their issue has built up or been with them for a period of time, and therefore can take time to resolve.  I would recommend between 3 and 8 sessions for most people.

FAQ: What does a session cost?

Smoking cessation costs £150: for approximately 2hrs (1 session is usually all that is required).
For everything else, the cost is £100 for a 60-90 minute session.

The optional personalised recording will be £50 if paid for as part of the Therapy + Tailored recording option. You can book a personalised recording at any time via the website (Tailored section) at a cost of £60.

From time to time I will offer discounts and special offers. Follow me on Instagram or Facebook to watch out for these.

FAQ: I’m not sure about making an appointment.

It’s natural to be apprehensive about making a first appointment. Why not schedule a free 15 minute phone chat or whatsapp chat to discuss any concerns you may have and make sure you feel comfortable? Or just message me to answer any questions. There is no obligation to go any further if you don’t want to.

Alternatively, you can book an appointment and, if you don’t want to continue after the first 30 minutes then that is absolutely fine – we can stop the session with no hard feelings and I will refund your payment (minus the paypal fee where applicable).

FAQ: How do I book?

Purchase the therapy session via the appropriate page (Therapy section). As part of that, I’ll ask for an email address, then I’ll be in touch to arrange your first session. You can pay on the website by debit/credit card or by Paypal.

FAQ: What if I need to cancel?

We operate a 48 hours cancellation policy – if you need to cancel a Therapy session, as long as you give 48 hours notice your payment will be refunded in full or can be used to book another appointment. 

Still have questions? You can also look at the FAQs on the National Council for hypnotherapy website.
Get in touch.
