Feeling anxious?

Anxiety is something we all experience from time to time, and, in the current climate, a lot of us are feeling more anxious than ever. But these worries can affect your mood, sleep, appetite and ability to concentrate.

The symptoms of anxiety can be helped with breathing and relaxation techniques, and by replacing distressing, negative thoughts with positive, peaceful ones.

Hypnotherapy is considered to be a very effective treatment for anxiety and stress.

Most people can relate to feeling tense, uncertain and, perhaps scared at the thought of going into hospital, being concerned about a sick relative, attending an interview or starting a new job. And you may also worry about feeling uncomfortable, appearing foolish or even how successful things will turn out. In turn, these worries can affect your sleep, appetite and ability to concentrate. But if things go ok, the anxiety will disappear.

Short-term anxiety can be useful, but feelings of anxiety can overwhelm you. Subsequently, your ability to concentrate and do well may suffer. 

Fight or Flight Reflex

Anxiety and fear are important for survival as they act as a mechanism to protect the body against danger. However they trigger the release of adrenalin which causes your heart to beat faster to carry blood where it’s needed most. This results in faster breathing and sweating to prevent overheating. Your mouth may feel dry, as your digestive system slows down and your senses become heightened as your brain becomes more alert. These changes enable the body to take action and protect itself in a dangerous situation, either by running away or fighting off an attacker. This is known as the ‘fight or flight’ reaction. Once the danger has passed, other hormones are released, which may cause you to shake as your muscles start to relax.

The response is useful for protecting you against physical dangers but it’s not so useful for your body to react in the same way to situations which you can’t deal with appropriately by fighting or running away. Examples of this might include public speaking, a driving test, or going to a job interview. Alternatively it might be more everyday situations.

Why are some people more anxious than others?

Anxiety can be triggered by a number of factors.

Something upsetting may have happened to you in the past, and because you were unable to deal with the emotions at the time, you may become anxious about encountering the situation again, just in case it brings up the same feelings of distress.

You may worry about the future which is perfectly understandable in the current climate. Sometimes we feel we are not in control of aspects of our lives and we can start to feel anxious about events beyond our control, such as the threat of a virus, of losing a loved one, or of losing a job.

Feeling anxious can also be a learned response – something that you picked up early on in life. Your family may have tended to see the world as a hostile and scary place, for example. Some people may even inherit a tendency to be more anxious. We all become anxious under pressure, but one person may become more anxious than another, because of a mixture of personality, current circumstances and childhood experience.

On a day-to-day basis, caffeine, too much sugar, bad diet, drug misuse, tiredness, stress and the side effects of certain medication can also cause anxiety. And a pandemic doesn’t help either!

After a while, people can start to fear the symptoms of anxiety, especially feeling out of control, which sets up a vicious circle. They feel anxious because they dread feeling the symptoms, and then they experience those symptoms because they are having anxious thoughts.

What are the effects of anxiety?

Anxiety has an effect on both the body and the mind.

Physical effects
Increased muscular tension can cause discomfort and headaches. Breathing quickly may make you feel light-headed and shaky, and give you pins and needles. Rising blood pressure can make you more aware of a pounding heart. Changes to the blood supply going to the digestive system may also cause nausea and sickness. The effects on your nervous system may manifest themselves in an urgent need to visit the toilet, and butterflies in the stomach.

Long-term anxiety is bad for your health because it can weaken your immune system, lowering your resistance to infection. Increased blood pressure can cause heart or kidney problems, and contribute to the chances of having a stroke. You may experience digestive difficulties, along with other health problems.

Psychological effects
The psychological effects of anxiety include fear, heightened alertness, irritability, and inability to relax or concentrate and you may want to seek the reassurance of others and to frequently cry.

It is common to fear that the worst is going to happen in every situation and take a very pessimistic outlook on life.

To cope with these feelings and sensations, people may start smoking or drinking too much, or misusing drugs. They may start avoiding certain situations, and maintain relationships that either support their anxious outlook or help them avoid situations they find distressing.

Panic Attacks

Sometimes, anxiety can take the form of a panic attack, which is the rapid build-up of overwhelming sensations, such as a pounding (and sometimes irregular) heartbeat, feeling faint, sweating, nausea, chest pains, breathing discomfort, feelings of losing control, shaky limbs and legs turning to jelly. These symptoms can make people afraid that they are going mad, blacking out, or having a heart attack. They may be convinced they are going to die in the course of the attack, making this a terrifying experience.

Panic attacks may sometimes occur for no reason, and people may not be able to understand why, which can lead them to feel as if their mind has gone totally out of control.

Impact on work, leisure and relationships

You may find it difficult to hold down a job, develop or maintain good relationships, or simply to enjoy leisure time and often, sleep problems may further aggravate anxious feelings and reduce your ability to cope.

For some people, anxiety becomes so overwhelming that it takes over their lives. They may experience severe or very frequent panic attacks, for no apparent reason, or have a persistent, ‘free-floating’ sense of anxiety. Some may develop a phobia about going out and about, or may withdraw from contact with people, even their family and friends. Others have obsessive thoughts or repetitious behaviour, such as endlessly washing their hands.

Problems of this kind are known as panic disorders or anxiety disorders but this does not mean a person has a serious mental health problem. However, in these most severe cases it’s important to consult your GP, to eliminate any possible physical cause for the symptoms.

Common behaviours and symptoms

Some common behaviours:
• A feeling of anxiety every day without knowing what it relates to. This is called “free floating anxiety”.
• Impatience, irritability, and frustration.
• Increased consumption of alcohol and/or cigarettes.
• Change of eating habits

Some common symptoms:
• Butterflies in stomach
• Excessive sweating
• Increased heart rate
• Dry mouth
• Tightness in chest
• Migraine or tension headaches
• Gastric ulcers
• Poor sleeping pattern

Still have questions? Get in touch.

How can we help?

1. If you just need a little help during the day then a Boost recording might help. Calm and Relax are both for anxiety symptoms and you can listen right away.

2. If you need more than a quick Boost then have a look at the Readymade recordings for longer term changes.

3. I can also create a Tailored recording for you if you have specific concerns you want addressed or want a more personalised service.

4. Don’t want a recording? Consider a 1:1 online hypnotherapy session (with optional personalised top up recording).


Designed to bring about long term changes, Readymades can help you cope with anxiety now and in the future.

Easy to use and you can listen at a time that’s good for you. (32 mins)

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These are designed to give you a personalised recording which is tailored to you and your situation. Loosely based on the Readymades, but I’ll ask you to provide more information to help me personalise the recording for you.

You can read more about what’s involved in the tailored section or get in touch if you have  questions.

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If you feel you want to talk through your concerns, rather than use a recording then you can book an online 1:1 Therapy session.

When you order a Tailored recording at  the same time, it will be at a reduced price and designed to supplement your Therapy session. The Tailored recording will be created and available for download within a week of your session. Read more about tailored recordings here.

Find out more about what is involved for a Therapy session on the therapy page or get in touch if you have questions. But if you want to go ahead now, use the Buy Now button below.

1:1 Therapy session of approximately 60-90 mins

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1:1 Therapy session + Tailored recording

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